
So many shoes, so little time...

Ok, so buying running shoes can be a tricky business. If you are lucky enough to have a great independent running shop nearby then support them. Even if you can’t get to your nearest independent very often then it is well worth an initial visit to get gait analysis (which many shops offer for free or for a small charge which is redeemable against buying a pair of trainers) to figure out what type of shoe will work best for you. I am an inveterate reader of reviews. I am physically incapable of making any significant purchase without reading reviews. I quickly discovered  which enables you to access reviews of huge number of shoes with lots of options to filter down by purpose of the shoe. I like to know what experience real life runners have had wearing a shoe. Applying my review reading to trainers has, however, challenged my review reading sensibilities. Trainers, it turns out, are a very personal thing. While I can use review scores to create a shortlist of

The Run Experience

Ok, so I’m going to start with a recommendation for some quick and accessible YouTube videos by The Run Experience . These short videos cover a whole host of running related topics from nutrition and warm-up to technique and training plans. They are pitched just right - enough info so you feel like you are actually getting some expert knowledge but not full of jargon or aimed only at elite athletes. Go and check them out. The Run Experience  on YouTube

Get those shoes laced up and hit the road

A year and a half ago I fell in love...with running. I was never a runner at school and frankly in the event of a zombie apocalypse I was probably gonna be zombie food as even the lurching undead could outrun me. 18 months later I like to think that I could outrun at least some of the army of the dead. I never seem to stop thinking and therefore talking about running,  which is probably boring my friends, family and workmates to death (and more dead folk chasing me is the last thing I need). So I’ve decided that instead I am going to talk to you, because you like running, right? No, seriously if you don’t like running then you’d better briskly walk off at this point because we are going to lace up those shoes and hit the road to explore all things running. The thoughts in this blog are mine as an individual and sadly I’m not getting paid or anything!